Best questions to ask a girl on the first date
We are here to help you with a list of interesting questions to ask a girl. If you wonder what to say to a girl on a first date or when you call her for the first time, this is the place where you will find all the answers.
Lots of guys get nervous at the thought of approaching a girl that they found attractive or beautiful. They say to themself, what if I scare her, what if she thinks I am weird, and yes the most common question – what if she rejects me?
These questions in your mind are normal but they shouldn’t be the obstacle to connect with a person in this case girl that can be the real one for you.
If you know what to say and keep the conversation going, approaching the girl is easy. That’s why having some go-to questions to ask a girl you like can help.
If you know what questions to ask a girl you like things will be easier for you at the beginning.
That’s why we gathered the best questions and phrases that will help you to start a conversation with a girl and will keep you in that conversation interesting and funny.
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Questions to ask a girl you like
1. What is the destination for the trip of your dreams?
With the answer to this question, you will find out whether your desires are similar and you are going to live a good impression.
If you are asking why the answer is: that she would think that you want to travel with her somewhere and it is always tempting to girls.
2. What was the best gift you have ever given to someone?
If you are serious about asking interesting questions you must ask this one. This is another opportunity for her to boast about herself and a great way to see how attentive she is when it comes to others.
3. What was your favorite childhood toy?
This question will introduce you to a gentle, worthy of attention person. She may not respond immediately, but if it is slightly persuaded you will surely get a good laugh.
4. What are you completely over and done with?
You don’t know or predict what she will say to this question. There are so many different answers to this question.
She may talk about a friend, fashion, or anything else. Whatever she chooses to talk about we all like to talk about things that annoy us and believe it she will too.
5. What memory do you just keep going back to?
This is the right question to ask a girl if you want to know more about her. It is a great window to her world but be careful this one can be serious depending on what memory she will decide to share with you.
6. What is the most immature thing your parents do?
We believe that this is a question that no one asked her before and can lead to some very interesting answers.
It doesn’t matter how old is someone, we all do some immature thing. Those things are sometimes silly and funny, but sometimes they are more selfish and hurtful.
7. What is the most unusual fear that you have?
This is a fun question that people usually like answering. The answers can be weird but who knows you may share an unusual fear!
8. What is your favorite TV show?
So common but also a great question to ask a girl you like. If you are into the show too you have a ton to talk about.
If you don’t know anything about the show she will enjoy telling you about it. And yes you will have a good show to watch too.
9. What do you wish people would stop asking you?
People always ask questions that are making you nervous. Whether it is about your personal life, about your future, etc.
Everyone gets asked the same question over and over again.
10. What would you grab if your house is on fire?
By asking this question you will find out her life priorities. Maybe she is someone who binds to things, so it would be good to know what and why they are important to her.
Maybe she will give you the perfect explanation for how would she act in such circumstances, and that could make you happier than what your expectations were.
11. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grow up?
From the answer, you will find out what are her life ambitions. This silly and childish question will help a lot to know what kind of person is in front of you.
12. If you got stuck in the elevator and were forced to listen to only one song, which would it be?
It is far more interesting than asking her which is her favorite band. Taste in music says a lot about people.
13. How would the world change if superheroes existed?
It is a creative question and you both can come up with funny and interesting situations that will arise if the superheroes existed.
If the girl doesn’t like superhero movies or comics this is not a good question. But who doesn’t like superhero movies today?
14. What was your worst job?
Stories about horrible bosses and colleagues are always interesting especially if you have one too.
And who doesn’t today? Ask her about her work.
She will be happy to talk about that because finally there is someone with whom she can talk about what she does. Certainly, one of the good questions to ask a girl you like.
15. What is the best advice anyone has given to you?
She may not want to answer you if the advice applies to you – men. But if she is proud, because she has accepted that advice and acted on it, she will certainly tell you about that as something that makes her proud of and what meant a lot in her life.
16. Who’s the worst guest you’ve had in your house and what did they do?
She will enjoy answering this question because it gives her a chance to break out one of her good stories. Ask lots of questions and encourage lots of details.
17. What are you most passionate about and what do you wish you were more passionate about?
This answer can give you a look at a person’s heart or you can see how she sees herself.
You can see what interests her versus what person she wishes she could be. This one might even give you a glimpse into the direction she wants to take her life in.
18. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Usually, people tend to live in a place where they aren’t often and where they can travel sometimes. This question can spread the story and probably include other stories.

19. Would you go out with me…?
On this question to ask your crush, you can freely add an activity in which typically girls do not find something too interesting – certainly, honorable exceptions – e.g.,… in the shop for computer equipment or sports equipment or some sports competition.
If she cares about you, she will keep you company, and you will return the favor, I am sure. Maybe you will go shopping with her, or you finish watching a romantic movie about her taste. Relationships are based on compromises, and if you want to take a while, make an effort.
20. Who haven’t you seen or talked to in a long time and hope they are doing okay?
Another question that requires an answer from the past. This is perfect if you want to know her better. You surely won’t know the person, but for her, it is an important one.
21. Who is the most humble person you know?
Kind of a random question but it might give you some insight into the people she chooses to surround herself with or the people she looks up to.
22. What have you learned from your past relationship?
If you want to see what she looks like in a relationship this is the right question to ask a girl you like.
You will find ut if she still has feelings for her ex and what kind of boys she likes. Do not despair if she praises and mentions their good qualities because it means that she knows what it’s worth, as the lady with a soft heart.
23. Who is your best friend?
True friendship means selfless giving and taking. Good friends are always there to help with life problems. If there are quality people near her, then she is just the same.
24. With what phrases were guys trying to conquer you with?
This will show your funny side. You will be laughing together at this answer. This is a good question to ask a girl and you shouldn’t avoid this one.
25. What does your name mean?
If the girl you like has an unusual and strange name, she would be glad to answer you about what that name means. This way you will show her that you are interested in her.
26. What app on your phone do you wish you used more?
It is a little different from the “what is your favorite app?” question. We all have apps on our smartphones that we use or that we tend to use.
From self-improvement, through educational apps, you will have a great discussion here.
27. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said or done around someone you had a crush on?
She might not want to tell you but if she does it will be a good question for bringing out a good story.
You should skip this if you just met her but if you know her for a while don’t be afraid to ask.
28. Who is your favorite actor?
Perfect question for learning what type of movies she is into. Also, it is a good start for conversation if you too like the same actor or actress she mentions.
29. If you could jump into a pool full of something, what would it be?
She can say anything, a pool full of money, candies, stuffed animals, etc. And this will be sufficient for you to deduce what kind of person she might be.

30. What is your very first memory?
A little question that probably won’t tell you much about her, but it’s still a fun question to answer. We all like talking about ourselves after all.
31. What is the most important thing that guys should understand about the girl?
The answer to this question is very important and can teach you a lot. Even this is a good question to ask a girl don’t do it on the first date you should keep it for further, maybe for a second date.
32. What pictures or paintings have had a big impact on you?
She might not have ever thought about this topic. Examples will leap in her mind when you ask this question.
It is also pretty cool because you can pull up the pictures on your phone. You’ll probably get to see some cool pictures you’ve never seen.
33. How do you treat people who annoy you for no reason?
If she says that they are crossed out forever, ask yourself what you can expect in the future. It shows that she has radical decisions.
A quality person will not have prejudices but will try to rise above the situation and find the positive side, whatever it comes to.
34. Which social game was your favorite while growing up?
If nothing else if you become a couple you will never be bored. You are going to entertain along with your favorite social game and enjoy the time spent together.
35. What is the most embarrassing that happened to you in primary school?
She must realize that the most important thing for you is to find out everything related to her and you want to have a perfect fun time together.
Start with the funniest incident and then continue you don’t want to embrace her.
36. What are your secret skills?
Girls love to talk about themselves, and besides being well presented, this question will be an excellent opportunity for them to brag about themselves too. Whether you like this question or not, it is surely one of the good questions to ask a girl.

First Date Conversation Starters
Let’s imagine that you’ve opened up a conversation with a girl you like using some of the questions mentioned above.
But what do you talk about on your first date?
Here are some great conversation starters to break the ice and avoid any uncomfortable moments of silence between you and her.
- What would you do all day if you had plenty of money and didn’t have to work?
- What is one thing you miss from your childhood?
- What is your favorite dish to cook?
- What is your favorite animal?
- What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?
- What is something most people don’t know about you?
- What is your favorite book?
- What is your favorite television show?
- What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?
- What is your dream job?
Good communication is very important for every relationship. It is important to talk to one another and not just talk you must also listen to what your partner has to say.
When you have this kind of communication in your relationship, you will find that it is much easier to resolve conflicts while building a stronger and healthier relationship along the way.
By using these questions to ask a girl you will find out more about her, what she likes, and how she feels about things. But understanding and knowing must be mutual. Let her ask you what she wants to know about you and yes, be honest in the answers.
In the end, every relationship is built on honest and understanding between partners.
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