Tea as a coffee substitute in the morning
When we wake up in the morning we reach for that magical drink called coffee and after drinking it we feel that increase in energy and better focus. But what if we show you that you can feel the same if you replace that morning coffee with tea.
Not just that you will get an energy boost, increased focus, and concentration but you’ll also get all the other benefits from tea that you can’t get from coffee.
And now you will say “I need caffeine to lift me up in the morning”, “I can’t start my day without it”. Don’t rush, we will show you here what are the best-caffeinated teas and caffeine-free teas.
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Coffee vs. Tea In The Morning
You usually start your mornings with a cup of coffee and sometimes you ask yourself “Is this a good thing?”, “What if I don’t drink coffee in the morning?”
Well, nothing bad will happen, but if you are addicted to caffeine there will be some troubles for you. Don’t worry it is not so bad.
You are not alone, millions of people in the world use coffee to help them get going in the morning. Many people drink more than two cups of coffee per day, but most of them don’t know that coffee is diuretic and can lead to dehydration if you overdo it.
Coffee also stimulates the adrenal glands, causing a release of adrenalin, which can place unnecessary stress on them. You feel the effects of drinking coffee first thing in the morning almost immediately.
Caffeine is quickly absorbed into your system. Tea has less caffeine than coffee so the effect on your body is less dramatic. You know that caffeine in coffee is responsible for the energy boost.
Do you know how caffeine gives you energy?
Caffeine blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter responsible for signaling your brain that is time to rest. Coffee typically has more caffeine than tea, and that is the reason why we want that drink early in the morning.
If you are a coffee lover and you are looking for an alternative to get your morning dose of caffeine, tea is a great replacement.
Tea comes with lower caffeine content but also has a variety of health benefits that coffee doesn’t, which is a great thing.
Maybe you are addicted to caffeine, but too much caffeine can leave you feeling anxious and jittery. And once when is off the system it leaves you more fatigued than ever. Too much caffeine can lead to major side effects such as an upset stomach or even panic attacks.
A typical cup of brewed coffee (eight ounces) contains around 100 milligrams of caffeine. Teas usually range between 15 to 70 milligrams for the same amount.
To better understand these numbers, up to 400 milligrams of caffeine daily appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That is equal to the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola, or 2 “energy shot” drinks.
Tea is a safer alternative to coffee for waking up and boosting energy levels in the morning. It is less acidic than coffee, and teas with higher levels of caffeine don’t leave you jittery like coffee, because they contain L-Theanine.
L-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves and in Bay Bolete mushrooms. the latest research shows that L-Theanine promotes relaxation without drowsiness, and many people take L-Theanine to ease stress and unwind.
Now when we’ve established that tea is a better alternative to coffee in the morning, it is time to present what type of tea is best to drink in the morning?
Best Morning Tea Alternatives To Coffee
Caffeinated Teas
Teas with caffeine are able to give you that morning jumpstart to get you on the way. With a broad range of caffeinated teas available we are sure that you can find something that suits your tastes and energy needs.
Interesting fact: Caffeine levels are directly related to how long tea is steeped. The longer a tea steeps, the higher the caffeine content.
Here is a list of the best high-caffeine teas as coffee alternative in the morning
Green Tea
The amount of caffeine in green tea varies depending on the type, but typically all varieties contain far less caffeine than coffee.
The amount of caffeine can vary from 30 to 50 mg per 8-oz (230 ml) serving. This amount depends on the variety of tea plants, growing conditions, and the way it is processed or brewed.
Tea made with younger tea leaves has more caffeine than tea made with older leaves. If you use bagged tea it is more caffeinated than loose leaf tea. You can try this Mao Feng full leaf green tea with a pleasant vegetative fragrance and lingering sweetness.
If you are a caffeine lover then you should choose powdered green teas like matcha. We will discuss matcha tea more in this article.
Why choose green tea over coffee? It contains a large amount of caffeine, but also green tea is rich in catechins that are natural phenols and antioxidants. Green tea also has a reputation for helping curb appetite, and a few cups of green tea can help to boost metabolism.
Learn more: What Is Green Tea Good For – Less Caffeine, More Energy
Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is made from the leaves of the same plant used to make green tea – Camellia Sinensis. The difference comes from the way it is processed.
Oolong tea is partially oxidized and green tea is not oxidized at all. The color and specific taste of this tea is a result of this partial oxidization.
As we mentioned before tea made from younger leaves contains more caffeine than tea made from mature leaves. Oolong tea is made from mature leaves and that is the reason that contains about 36 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce cup.
According to these numbers, oolong tea is a great choice if you don’t want to consume too much caffeine in the morning.
It also contains theophylline, a chemical similar to caffeine, and helps with the relaxation of smooth muscles in the airway making breathing easier while also stimulating both the rate and force of heart contractions.
We recommend trying this Crimson Oolong Tea with medium caffeine content, 90% oxidized with sweet flavor notes of honey and aged bourbon, and a finish of orange blossom and spice.
Black Tea
The amount of caffeine in black tea is approximately 47 mg per 8- ounce cup. Black tea resembles coffee more than any other tea out there, so if you are a coffee lover and want to find a replacement for the mornings’ black tea is a perfect substitute.
The black tea used as an alternative to coffee is also a great source of antioxidants, it also helps balance cholesterol levels in the body and also helps with lowering blood pressure.
There are so many kinds of black tea on the market, but mostly used is breakfast tea, which was the main go-to drink for heavy labors in Britain for hundreds of years.
Start your day anywhere with this smooth and malty English Breakfast teabag. Biodegradable and eco-friendly these teabags brew sweet and woodsy with a clean finish.
Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate is not really tea, because of word tea refers to drinks made from the plant Camellia Sinensis. There are six major types like green tea, oolong tea, yellow tea, black tea, white tea, and Pu-erh tea.
Why do people call this beverage tea? The reason for this is that this drink is made from herbs and hot water and any drink made like these people called it tea. Another thing is that in Spanish-speaking countries the word mate is used to refer to actual tea.
Mate is made from the dried leaves of the yerba mate tree and contains up to 85 mg of caffeine per cup, which is high compared to the other teas mentioned here.
High caffeine content and rich with tannins, polyphenols responsible for the antioxidant activities this tea have a strong and bitter taste.
Strong flavor and bitter taste make Yerba Mate Tea a good coffee replacement for an energy boost in the mornings.
Interesting To Read
Matcha Green Tea Powder
If you’re not satisfied till now with teas as an alternative to coffee presented up here then this is the right pick for you. Matcha powder is the King of green teas.
Matcha is a green tea powder made from high-quality shade-grown leaves. Shade-grown leaves have more caffeine than those grown in the sun. With matcha, the whole leaf is consumed so you get all the benefits and caffeine content from it.
The caffeine content in matcha tea is around 70 milligrams in an 8-ounce cup. By comparison, a typical shot of espresso (1 fluid ounce 30g) contains about 65 mg of caffeine so matcha late or cafe late should help you reach a similar effect of alertness.
This is the main difference between matcha and green tea, another thing that separates these teas is the preparation process. Matcha is consumed mixed into hot water the same as green tea, but unlike other teas, it isn’t diluted or infused.
The powder is mixed into hot water in a bowl and whisked until it becomes frothy similar to a latte.
Here is a perfect At Home Matcha Kit so you can prepare this tea properly and enjoy its taste and get all the benefits and energy boost from it.
After drinking matcha you will feel the energy bringing back the same as after drinking coffee. But you will notice the difference, it is not jittery at all, but calm and focused and it lasts a much longer time. The best of all is that there is no caffeine crush.
High in antioxidants, this drink is also a great choice after a workout, helps with muscle recovery, and gives you a boost of energy.
If you’re not a fan of preparing matcha tea and waiting in the morning, here is a fast solution for you. Matchsticks are pre-measured 2-gram packets of matcha that will ensure you use the right amount of matcha every time. Delicious hot or cold brewed.
Pu-Erh Tea
There are two types of Pu-erh tea raw (sheng) and ripe (shou). Raw Pu-erh is made from non-fermented green tea leaves, and ripe Pu-erh is made from black tea (oxidized).
After fermentation Pu-Erh Tea is aged for various years varying from 2-3 to 25 and up. This results in its dark color and bold mellow flavor.
Drinking raw Pu-erh tea can be compared to drinking green tea, while ripe Pu-erh tea is closer to black tea in its taste qualities.
Pu-Erh tea can be an excellent alternative to coffee and the caffeine content is about 30-45mg per 8 oz at raw and 60-70mg per 8 oz at ripe Pu-Erh.
If you are searching for a strong, bold taste this is a good morning tea to drink.
Which tea has the most caffeine?
In an average 8 ounce cup:
- Black Tea around 47 mg (moderate caffeine strength)
- Oolong Tea around 36 mg (low caffeine strength)
- Green Tea around 25 mg (low caffeine strength)
- Yerba Mate around 85 mg (moderate caffeine strength)
- Matcha Powder around 70 mg (moderate caffeine strength)
- Pu-Erh Tea 30-70 mg depends on the type
According to all data for caffeinated teas, Yerba Mate is tea with the highest caffeine content and Green Tea is with the lowest caffeine content.
These are just caffeine content amounts of teas mentioned in this article, that we chose as the best drinks to replace coffee in the morning.
Caffeine Free Teas
If you want to stay away from caffeine there are many teas without caffeine that are also good to drink in the morning. Besides 60 available plants that contain caffeine, there are hundreds of them that don’t contain caffeine.
If you want to replace your morning coffee with caffeine-free tea then herbal teas should be your pick. The difference between herbal teas and real tea is that all real teas share almost the same health benefits, opposite of that every herbal tea is unique.
Caffeine-free teas won’t give you that energy boost like caffeinated teas, but they will help you energize, de-stress, improve mood, and increase alertness. Not to mention that every herbal tea has different specific benefits for our health.
Here is our choice of teas without caffeine as an alternative to coffee in the morning
Peppermint Tea
Top herbal tea for instant refreshment. Peppermint tea is not just a great refreshing drink it also contains antioxidant power and it is a great choice for headaches and tummy problems.
Taste this caffeine-free Pacific Coast Mint Tea blend of organic spearmint and organic peppermint. A great refreshing drink for any time of the day or after a heavy meal.
Hibiscus Tea
Herbal tea is made from the hibiscus plant, hibiscus tea is one of the most consumed herbal teas. You can drink it hot in the winter or ice-cold in the summer it is super refreshing.
Find out more about hibiscus tea in our article Hibiscus Tea: Health benefits and how to prepare it at home.
Rooibos Tea
Rooibos has a full and rich taste, it can take milk, and it is a delicious alternative for those trying to reduce caffeine intake.
As natural caffeine-free tea, rooibos tea is rich in antioxidants mostly aspalathin, a flavonoid antioxidant particular to rooibos. In South Africa, rooibos teas have long been known for their soothing properties, mainly consumed for stomach cramps and other digestive issues.
The best way to drink Rooibos Tea is to simply add boiling water and leave it to brew until it is at the strength you are looking for. The longer you leave it the darker the color and deeper the flavors.
Read More: Rooibos Tea | Wonderful Benefits And Potential Side Effects
Bright Eye Tea
This blend of organic turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, sarsaparilla, and black pepper is based on Ayurvedic principles that awaken your mind and body completely without caffeine.
Easy to prepare no matter where you are, these Bright Eyed Eco Teabag Sachets are a great choice to have delicious and healthy caffeine-free tea for just 5-7 minutes.
Chamomile Tea
Increase your focus by reducing stress just with a cup of chamomile tea. This tea is not known for its energy-boosting properties but helps to prevent the release of serotonin-the stress hormone.
Chamomile tea as a coffee replacement in the morning also boosts the production of the happy hormone – dopamine, which helps you focus on important tasks.
Even it is not known as an energy booster, after consuming you might just feel a little more energy by reducing stress and lifting the weight of worries out of your shoulders.

Final thoughts on caffeinated and non-caffeinated teas as a replacement to coffee in the morning
There are a lot of teas that you can choose as a coffee alternative in the morning that will keep you focused and increase your energy levels.
It is up to you do you like teas with caffeine or caffeine-free teas. It is better to start with caffeinated teas and then if you can slowly replace them with herbal caffeine-free teas.
No matter what tea you will choose as a morning drink it will surely be better than drinking coffee. Just try for a couple of days.
Start your day with morning tea and drink your first coffee (if you need it) at noon. This way you’ll get all the benefits from tea in the morning after waking up, a great natural energy boost and at noon drink a cup of coffee to increase focus and concentration.