Potential benefits and side effects of Rosehip Tea
Rosehip tea is a delicious herbal tea made from either fresh or dried rose hips. Rosehip tea has numerous health benefits due to the high vitamin C and antioxidant content of rose hips.
This article will explain the benefits of rosehip tea and how to make it from fresh or dried rose hips. You can also find out about the tea’s possible side effects.
Before we begin, let us review some rosehip tea fundamentals!
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What is Rosehip Tea?
Rosehip tea is a herbal tea made from the rose plant’s fruit. Rose hips are rounded to oblong in shape, and range in color from orange to bright red. They form at the base of the petals of a rose flower.
Rose haw, dog rose fruit, hipberry, and hip fruit are other names for them. Rose hips are traditionally harvested after the first frost of the year.
Rose plants come in hundreds of varieties, but most research on rose hips has focused on the pseudo-fruits of the Rosa canina plant.
Rose plants are native to Asia, North Africa, and Europe, but they are also widely grown in other parts of the world, including the United States.
These fruits have numerous culinary, medicinal, and alternative applications, but tea made from dried rose hips is one of the most popular.

Potential benefits of Rosehip Tea
May support a healthy immune system
Rosehip tea is high in vitamins, which aid in the prevention of common colds and flu.
This tea contains good amounts of vitamin C, A, and E, which all help to strengthen and protect your immune system.
Rose hips have a high vitamin C concentration, which is one of their most impressive benefits. While the exact amount varies depending on the plant, rose hips have been shown to have among the highest vitamin C content of any fruits or vegetables.
Dried rose hips, which are used to make tea, have less vitamin C than fresh rose hips. This is due to the rapid degradation of vitamin C during the drying and storing of rose hips. To compensate for the loss of vitamin C, some tea manufacturers fortify their products.
Rich in antioxidants
Antioxidant-rich foods and beverages may help protect against chronic diseases.
Rosehip was discovered to have the highest antioxidant capacity in a study on the antioxidant contents of six fruit extracts published in Food Chemistry.
It has been discovered to contain high levels of polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamins, all of which have powerful antioxidant properties.
Furthermore, research suggests that dried rose hips may contain fewer antioxidants than fresh varieties. It’s also worth noting that plants grown at higher altitudes have higher antioxidant levels.
Because rosehip tea can be made with either fresh or dried fruits, using fresh rose hips instead of dried or tea bags may provide more antioxidants.
May detoxify the body
Rosehip tea is also known for its laxative and diuretic properties, which may aid in the body’s elimination of toxins, unwanted fats, and salts.
If you have constipation, a slow metabolism, or a weakened immune system, flushing the toxins out and reducing the load on the kidneys and liver may be beneficial. This tea may assist you in accomplishing this by promoting faster digestion and increasing the frequency of urination.
May prevent cardiovascular diseases
Rosehip tea may benefit heart health due to its high antioxidant content. Rosehip tea’s leucoanthocyanins and polyphenolic compounds have been shown in studies to reduce the risk of heart disease.
According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking a rosehip drink for 6 weeks may have considerably decreased systolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels, cutting the risk of cardiovascular disease by 17%.
While rose hips include antioxidants that have been demonstrated to protect against heart disease, additional research on the effectiveness of rosehip tea is needed.
Help in fighting skin problems
Many people drink rosehip tea to potentially improve their skin’s appearance.
The skin is the most affected by pollution on a daily basis. This causes a decrease in collagen, a protein responsible for improving skin quality and removing dullness or spots.
Rosehip tea raises the body’s collagen percentage. This is accomplished through the presence of vitamin C, which has been shown to promote collagen synthesis and protect skin cells from sun damage, both of which can help keep your skin tighter and more youthful.
Lycopene and vitamin A are also important in protecting the skin and keeping it young, glowing, and free of blemishes.
Furthermore, rosehip tea contains the carotenoid astaxanthin, which may have anti-aging properties because it aids in the breakdown of collagen.
A 2015 randomized controlled trial of 34 people found that those who consumed 3 grams of rosehip powder daily had fewer crow’s feet wrinkles, as well as improved skin moisture and elasticity.
It is unknown, however, whether drinking rosehip tea would have the same effect on skin health.
Potential side effects of Rosehip Tea
Rosehip tea is generally considered to be safe for most adults to consume. Certain people, however, should avoid drinking rosehip tea.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Rosehip tea’s safety and efficacy in pregnant or breastfeeding women have not been studied. If you are pregnant or nursing, you should not drink rosehip tea or consult with your healthcare provider before trying this tea.
Allergies and irritation
Allergic reactions to rose hips are extremely rare, but they are possible depending on the individual.
There have been several reports of people inhaling powdered rosehip and developing an allergic reaction. People who have asthma or rhinitis may be more vulnerable.
If you have a history of rosehip allergies, avoid drinking this tea.
Rosehips should be used with caution in moisturizing skincare products or as a topical face wash because the herb can cause irritation and redness.
Interactions with medications
Certain medications, including those for type 2 diabetes, may interact with herbal teas. If you have a serious medical condition, always consult your doctor before using rosehip tea.
Kidney stones
According to some studies, high concentrations of vitamin C, which this tea may contain, may increase the risk of developing kidney stones, particularly in men.
Before incorporating this tea into your health regimen, consult with your doctor about your specific conditions and risks.
This is a purely informative article. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never treat severe medical conditions with teas or herbs on your own. Before attempting to use home remedies, always consult a medical professional.
How to brew Rosehip Tea
Rosehip tea is simple to make at home, and we’ll show you how in three different ways: with fresh rose hips, dried rose hips and ground rose hips.
Making rosehip tea using fresh rose hips
To make rosehip tea this way, you’ll obviously need fresh rose hips. They are densely packed with seeds that are difficult to remove. Fortunately, you don’t have to bother removing them when making tea because you’ll be straining the tea after brewing anyway.
The first step – Rinse rose hips thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. 4-8 hard rosehips, cut in half; soft rosehips can be left whole. Place the rose hips into a blender and give it a quick spin to break them up.
Second step – Instead of boiling the fresh rose hips, steep them. In a saucepan, heat one cup of water (filtered recommended). When it begins to boil, turn off the heat and add one tablespoon of mashed rosehips.
Close the lid and leave it on its own for at least 20 minutes. You can steep it for a few minutes longer if you want a tastier and darker tea.
Third step – To remove any small hairs in the mashed rose hips, strain the pulp through a strainer or a clean coffee filter. To adjust the flavor, add honey or lemon juice.
Rosehip Tea from dried whole rose hips
In a stainless steel saucepan, combine 1-2 teaspoons of dried whole rosehips and 1 cup of water (filtered is preferred). You can buy whole dried organic rose hips here from Amazon.
Bring the mixture slowly to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Allow 5 minutes for the mixture to steep.
Remove from the heat. Strain the tea and, if desired, add sweetener (agave or honey).
Making Rosehip Tea from ground rose hips
To brew your tea this way, you’ll need to grind your dried rose hips in a spice mill or blender. The ground mixture should then be sifted through a sieve.
You can then brew your tea with the resulting powder. Bring water to a boil, then add1 tsp ground rosehip tea powder and steep for 5-10 minutes. Strain and serve.
Enjoy your rosehip tea!
Rosehip Tea’s flavor profile
Rosehip tea has a deep red color and a tangy and sweet aroma when brewed. It tastes like green apples, ripe plums, and hibiscus tea. A touch of agave or honey can help bring out the naturally sweet flavors in this tea.

Final thoughts on the benefits and side effects of Rosehip Tea
Rosehip tea is a tasty herbal tea that is simple to make at home. You can use either fresh or dried rose hips to make this beverage.
It has numerous potential benefits in addition to being simple to prepare at home. Its high vitamin and antioxidant content may help to support a healthy immune system, protect against heart disease, and promote healthy-looking skin, among other benefits.
However, there is little evidence to support the rosehip tea benefits because most studies are limited on rosehip extract (more concentrated than rosehip tea). As a result, it’s unclear how much rosehip tea you’d need to consume to get these effects.
One thing is certain: this is a delicious, high-in-antioxidants, and vitamin-rich beverage. So, whether you make it with dried or fresh rose hips, this is a very healthy tea.
Before you make a cup of this tea, you should be aware of the possible side effects.
This tea should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women. People who are allergic to rose hips or who take medications, such as those for type 2 diabetes, should also avoid this herbal tea.
If you have any medical conditions, always check with your physician before trying a new herbal tea.